Internet Secrets – how to make money on the internet

If you want to know how to make money on the internet, don’t click on another one of those pages promising money-back guarantees!

They are SCAMS! Don’t click on them and if you already have leave the site straight away! Don’t give them your email address!
(Click here for a list of special offer sites I’ve had complaints about)

I receive so many emails each week about which of these are real and “Do these Gurus really make millions on the internet, Trent?” is the most common question.

The answer is, YES! They are making money, but they are doing so in a way similar to Pyramid scams that are illegal in the real world.

How do they SCAM you out of your money?

Imagine 4 people get together, hire someone to recycle some information from around the internet, make it into a document and then sell it as “The latest way to make money on the internet!” then sell this valuable information for $30.

But wait! There is MORE! As soon as you try and either complete the purchase or (heaven forbid) leave the site, you are told of an exclusive offer worth THOUSANDS for only $300.

Oh you thought it had stopped? Oh no! As soon as you have signed up for THAT offer (or again make the silly attempt to leave their website) you are told of a consolation prize that is free (BUT you will pay each month when you forget to cancel your subscription)

So the answer is YES, you can make money like this – but whether you will sleep at night depends on whether you have the morals of a thief or not  😉

One Response
  1. Florence Alemos says:

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    a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!

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