Yesterday I was hit hard by the sobering news of a school friend who died. I only went top school with him for two months, but we formed a close friendship very quickly – one of a precious handful of people in my life that simply jumped into my life without needing to try. Read more...
Category Self Movitation
Starting a business – the SIMPLE way

First of all, sorry to all my subscribers! I have been very quiet this last year because, in between working on the new book with Shannon, I have been working on a book that I was almost bullied into writing – but in a nice way of course. Helping people starting a business – the ... Read more...
Quotes that help
1. Whether you are searching for a partner or answers, don’t be overwhelmed by poor examples. Think like a new driver trying to get onto the motorway for the first time… If you look for cars, you will always find one. You really need to be looking for gaps. 2. Imagine if you can take ... Read more...
Why ‘wrong’ isn’t bad
I’ve been lucky to have Brandon in my life because he has taught me just how much you can learn from your mistakes… more so than the successes. I’ve watched people fall apart when they have breezed through life prior something that was (to me) a minor setback. We’re talking families collapsing. Is it possible ... Read more...