
How do I know if my computer is ready for Windows 7?

How do I know if my computer is ready for Windows 7? I’ve lost count of how many emails and txts I have received on this question so I thought I would post a simple solution. So for all my Aussie clients and readers, just click here to download Microsoft’s Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor πŸ™‚ ... Read more...

Australian Author – where to start

Australian Author I think there is something that set Aussie Authors in a league of their own. So how does it all begin? Spotless was a publishing phenomenon in Australia But was it because it was a flawless piece of literature? No – it’s like anything, you need to have a message that is worth ... Read more...

Renew your domain name now?

Have you received a domain name renewal letter in the mail? If you’re in business or have a website, chances are you have received a domain name renewal letter in the mail at some stage or you will in the near future. No matter how authentic the domain name renewal letter looks, don’t act on ... Read more...

Original Idea

Over the last 28 years that I’ve been taking notes (gawd I feel old writing that!), I’ve noticed something that is common to books (both fiction and non-fiction), websites, artwork and business ideas. I’ve seen people at business courses suspiciously tentative about revealing their ideas because “no one else has thought of them before,” and ... Read more...

Why ‘wrong’ isn’t bad

I’ve been lucky to have Brandon in my life because he has taught me just how much you can learn from your mistakes… more so than the successes. I’ve watched people fall apart when they have breezed through life prior something that was (to me) a minor setback. We’re talking families collapsing. Is it possible ... Read more...