
Australian Author – where to start

Australian Author I think there is something that set Aussie Authors in a league of their own. So how does it all begin? Spotless was a publishing phenomenon in Australia But was it because it was a flawless piece of literature? No – it’s like anything, you need to have a message that is worth ... Read more...

How do I become a full-time author

I was previously talking about the formula to become a full-time author and I mentioned Sean Williams’ Blog post (which I still recommend you take a look at) This time I’d like to talk about some things that work and some pitfalls to avoid: 1. To become a full-time author you need to write. It ... Read more...

Original Idea

Over the last 28 years that I’ve been taking notes (gawd I feel old writing that!), I’ve noticed something that is common to books (both fiction and non-fiction), websites, artwork and business ideas. I’ve seen people at business courses suspiciously tentative about revealing their ideas because “no one else has thought of them before,” and ... Read more...

The formula for becoming an author

I was looking at the Blog of an Adelaide author, Sean Williams* and came across this post, which is gold for two reasons: 1. He’s telling it like it is. From the real world. His own experience. 2. I’ve seen the same ‘formula’ work in both writing and business. It follows the message I repeat ... Read more...

New Writer – Allen & Unwin – Arena Friday Pitch

Calling all writers What? Your first chapter and synopsis. Where? electronic submission (link below) Allen & Unwin, those people of ineffably fine taste who only publish wonderful people (Cough! Cough! OK, they’ll even give a mug like me a go!) have a great submission process for new writers via their imprint, Arena… It’s called the ... Read more...